Rebuild Your Foundation Regain Your Balance

Finding Balance After a Major Life Changing Event

When a trauma or life changing event occurs, it knocks us off balance. Things we thought we knew about ourselves are instantly turned upside down. Suddenly, we don’t know who we are anymore, what we want out of life, how to motivate ourselves, or what we believe in. It’s as if the very foundation we stood on was instantly removed out from under us, leaving us standing in a void of perpetual uncertainty. Maybe your trauma occurred recently, or maybe it occurred many years ago, and you’re just now realizing the effect it had on you. You can’t be the person you were before this happened, but you can regain your balance. At Finding Balance Therapy, you can learn to accept and love the person you are now. You can discover what motivates you and what you want out of life. You can redefine your spirituality, rebuild your foundation, and regain your balance.